Sony TC-WE475 Dual Cassette Player Recorder w/ Sony Headphones

Sony TC-WE475 Dual Cassette Player Recorder w/ Sony Headphones Reviews

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Sony TC-WE475 Dual Cassette Player Recorder w/ Sony Headphones Feature

  • Sony TC-WE475 Dual Cassette Player and Recorder
  • Sony MDR-NC7 Overhead Noise Cancelling Headphones
The TCWE475 dual cassette deck takes advantage of proven filters and noise reduction technology to help provide you with quality recordings from a variety of sources. For example, if you want to record from an FM stereo broadcast, you probably want to take advantage of the switchable MPX filter that blocks the multiplex pilot tone contained in an FM broadcast. This enables proper Dolby NR (noise reduction) tracking when you record off the air. For all other recording situations, switch the filter out for maximum high frequency response. Dolby B and C noise reduction suppresses high frequency noise to help optimize recording and playback. Create professional sounding fade-in and fade-out transitions with the Fader switch. Wide range pitch control allows you to adjust the pitch by controlling tape speed and automatic record level calibration simplifies operation and helps guarantee consistent quality. +PLUS+ SONY HEADPHONES

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Dec 28, 2010 04:18:04


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